Friday, March 5, 2010

It is finally raining here after 2 weeks of dryness! It was so dry outdoors that there was no green grass and the ants were coming into my shower to drink water. Alas, it started to rain when i was heaving back my heavy weekly groceries bought from Marions. Was cold and tired when climbing uphill but i survived:)

Week 1 of school is over. Tutorials and practicals start next week so lessons will be more interactive then, this week was still mainly lectures.

Out of my 4 topics, i find Med1105- Physiology: How your body works, most interesting. The lecturer is an old italian man who speaks in an italian accent. Classmates keep laughing about his long white beard lol!

I find that Australians are less religious than Singaporeans, or maybe it is just this part of the course. For the first Med lecture, Baba Brinkman, an up-and-coming rapper who performed during the Oz's Fringe festival, rapped about evolution and had the audience shouting 'Dead Wrong!' every time he said 'Creationism' and the crowd was so enthusiastic.

In my Bio textbook written with an Australian focus (the red book below), evolution is described as "a fact as firmly established as the idea of an atom or electron, or the sun being at the centre of our solar system" (Knox et al, 2010).

Haha just practicing in-text citation above, the uni is extremely strict about plagiarism, the penalty for plagiarism is immediately failure, and even poor paraphrasing/ sloppy referencing ie, no page number given, is considered plagiarizing, so feeling anxious about that.

My textbooks/ topic manuals and lab coat which is compulsory for bio practicals. All these cost me ~$300A, massive spending. The textbooks are the expensive ones, but thankfully can be used for next sem and years to come. I didnt buy the chemistry textbook because most of the content has been covered in A levels, and i hope i can still remember what i learnt and just depend on the ppt slides. Keeping my fingers crossed!

On Wednesday, went to Paul and Cindy's house for lunch/dinner together with Kathy, Grace and Gabby. My first group of Ozzie friends! All my course mates with the exception of Cindy, so will be meeting them often during lectures.

Thursday, went for O' night held in our school's coopers bar and the new refectory. Dress code: Naughty Bak2Skool. It was great fun! Many helium balloons around which made for great entertainment and even a pole dancing performance. It was all very tame and in good spirit, not very naughty, despite the dress code, lol!

Posing with Grace's Awesome glasses. Grace is on the right and Kathy in the middle. They, together with Gabby, cropped their high school uniform and wore it that night. They looked great! Though it was abit disconcerting to see so many people dancing away in their school uniforms, the guys especially in their blazers and ties.

The landlords Joy and Andrew have gone caravaning for a week so i am now left alone in the house. Though i am alone most of the time in my flat anyway, i do meet them often eg when i leave the house, when i dry my laundry ect. They instructed me to push the rubbish bins out on friday morning and to collect their mail everyday. With them away, i have the entire patio and back garden to myself though i havent used it yet. Feels scary at night when it is so quiet and dark outside and i know that Joy and Andrew are not around!

(OOh, a helicopter just flew over my place and it was LOUD!)

Culinary Adventures:

Cooked this last night. Chinese cabbage(? dont know what the vege is called) with boiled chicken breast in chunks. I was getting lazy and simply ate out of the wok haha.

Cooked this a week ago i think. Soy sauce chicken with onions and garlic. Tasted great, looks great too!

Went for a Singaporean Club gathering today. Met many singaporeans who were all very friendly. Most of them stay either in the Uni Hall or Village. Many of them are studying Speech Pathology. Met a Yr 3 Speech Pathology girl, Melissa, who i thought looked familiar. Turned out she spent her first 3 months in VJ and was in the same big OG as me during 05 orientation. Met another girl, (forgot her name oops) who is Chow Yi Ling's (06v11) cousin. What a small world!

Alright, feeling hungry now and going to cook dinner. I always only start cooking when i feel hungry and end up eating a late dinner. Guess im too used to having dinner ready for me whenever i feel hungry:S


1 comment:

  1. marg!! your food looks great! and the photos w the specs are soo cute! (: yay i'm glad you're doing great there! it all sounds like so much fun! (:

    miss you loads! there was a class outing today, but megs and sim couldn't go.. and i'm not feeling v well.. so i gave it a miss. ): would totally have gone if you're here though! although, now that i didn't go, and ended up sleeping the whole day, i knew it was the right choice not to have gone. haha

    continue updating! <3
